Publicerat: / Drömmar
What do you do when you fall down?
There are sometimes in life when we fall down,
and you feel like you don't have the strength to get back up!
Do you think you have hope?
Because I tell you...
I'm down here!
Face down and I have no arms, no legs!
It should be impossible for me to get back up.
But it's not!
You'll see I will try a hundred times to get back up!
And if I fail a hundred times...
If i fail and give up do you think I ever going to get back up?
No! But if I fail and try again and again...
I just want you to know that it's not the end!
It matters how you going to finish!
Are you going to finish strong?
Then you will find the strength to get back up!
Like this!
Med andra ord... Never give up...